Hello ! Been a long time since I posted here . Hope you are well .
I love cooking and everything about food . I make vegetarian recipes and I am clueless on non veg and baking recipes .
Looking into the universal health and situations around how healthy are you eating ? Looking into YouTube videos is also scary for me . I am bit confused on what’s happening with food around
But let me also tell some things that I follow before I ask you all something .
1.I don’t eat any chat items outside such as bhel puri, pani poori samosa etc items
2.Strict NO to noodles , pasta , macroni or any sauces related to it
3. NO to any packed Chips , Cakes , Buns , Creamy Buns etc
4. Have stopped white sugar and instead using brown sugar one spoon a day for coffee . Only 1 coffee per day
5. Maximum Trying to buy farm Milk instead of cans .
Basically we eat a lot of vegetables , lot of fruits and 1 cup of coffee / Any type of tea ( Ginger , Sukku, etc types )
6. We go to hotels only for birthdays . Which means 3 times in a year . If we go for any vacations it depends but not everything and every time in the hotel type people .
7. We cook twice a day .
8. Lemon water , cinnamon water or star anise water in mornings ( empty stomach) is always our favourite to do .
Now please let me know what you all do so that I can change and learn or might get ideas for a better health from you all
How do you start your day regarding food or how do you look on the below things ?
Do you eat home made food ?
Is there any particular ingredients or food that you avoid ?
How often do you eat out ?
What oil do you use for cooking ?