A blog on my self experiences in life .
Friday, January 5, 2024
Unforgettable Words for him
Monday, April 18, 2022
No Equality .
Hi !
Today my daughter came and said they took a group photo in school and all the girls knelt down in one line and boys stood in the back . I felt this very bad . Why can’t boys kneel down and girls stand in the back .
I think this has to be changed .Have you also heard something like this or what do you think about what I am saying ?
I am yet to receive the photograph . But I think this has to changed . They should atleast make everyone sit in a chair and take a picture or find some other equal option . Equality is not there in this world . Very bad .
Post in your thoughts or similar experiences you have faced in this universe .
Monday, April 4, 2022
Fooooood !
Hello ! Been a long time since I posted here . Hope you are well .
I love cooking and everything about food . I make vegetarian recipes and I am clueless on non veg and baking recipes .
Looking into the universal health and situations around how healthy are you eating ? Looking into YouTube videos is also scary for me . I am bit confused on what’s happening with food around
But let me also tell some things that I follow before I ask you all something .
1.I don’t eat any chat items outside such as bhel puri, pani poori samosa etc items
2.Strict NO to noodles , pasta , macroni or any sauces related to it
3. NO to any packed Chips , Cakes , Buns , Creamy Buns etc
4. Have stopped white sugar and instead using brown sugar one spoon a day for coffee . Only 1 coffee per day
5. Maximum Trying to buy farm Milk instead of cans .
Basically we eat a lot of vegetables , lot of fruits and 1 cup of coffee / Any type of tea ( Ginger , Sukku, etc types )
6. We go to hotels only for birthdays . Which means 3 times in a year . If we go for any vacations it depends but not everything and every time in the hotel type people .
7. We cook twice a day .
8. Lemon water , cinnamon water or star anise water in mornings ( empty stomach) is always our favourite to do .
Now please let me know what you all do so that I can change and learn or might get ideas for a better health from you all
How do you start your day regarding food or how do you look on the below things ?
Do you eat home made food ?
Is there any particular ingredients or food that you avoid ?
How often do you eat out ?
What oil do you use for cooking ?
Monday, March 29, 2021
House cleaning day
Hello Everybody !
This is my first post of 2021 . Hope all are doing well so far .
So few days back I had to call someone from an X company for house cleaning as it was very dusty and we had just arrived home . I paid 1500 for cleaning one room in advance itself as that’s how they work and the work was not done properly . Though I told him that I am not satisfied I also posted a review on their page stating the man was in a hurry to complete the work and would not be getting their service again .
After 3 days this man can to my home and asked what have you commented ? Because of you I lost my job for 3 days and I couldn’t buy anything for my kids . I honestly felt very bad and said I just posted a one liner comment because I dint like your service . As he said he couldn’t buy anything for his kids I gave him 200 rupees and said whatever u want for your child please buy . He got it and went . Once he got the money he said they suspended for 3 days and from tomorrow I will join back to work.He told me to delete the comment which I dint .
My thoughts on this incident .
1 . He should have not come home asking for the review .If the service is not good obviously I would post a comment because I am the customer .
2 . The company shouldn’t send the employee to ask about situations like this .
3 . This is absolutely wrong which I know and I would not call them again .
Why I gave him money ?
On humanity basis I felt very bad when a man told that he couldn’t buy anything for his child . I told him you are talking about not having a job for 3 days and we have been jobless for months . He never bothered it .
Anyhow I found better people and would call them next time.
Though I know somewhere something is wrong I am happy that I helped a man who is in a bad condition than me . That’s all . Whether he was telling a lie or was honest I have done my part .
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Dec 9 ♡
Today is our 8th Wedding Anniversary. Though we know each other for 10 years formally its 8 ;)
So on this day I thought of writing what I feel on this journey.
They normally say so and so years of togethersness but I would say its 8 years of fighting and winning each and every piece of moment in life .Than being together most of the time we have been in different places .We have even stayed in Mansions in seperate rooms even after our wedding . We go out on weekends and meet in the staircase with a chai for chit chat and go back to our rooms .We have been colleagues in 2 companies . The club sandwich and tea breaks were the chit chat time .But let me tell you that was the most beautiful time of life . Less money more fun .So even in reality we have lived half of our life like hostel mates or friends or colleagues. This is one of the situation example . If I start writing then it goes on hence stopping here.
More than happiness we have seen a lot of problems get into our life all the time but we have stood for each other and got it right back on track . I am so very thankful to the universe for bringing Naveen into my life .The special quality I have seen in him is he supports my whole family at any cost and he has more patience than me. That understanding with patience is a rare thing . I always pray he stays happy ..
So this wedding day was a very simple one . He got me my favourite Plum cake .Naveen got a pair of dress for me and he got 5 pairs ;) Wait .. I am super happy that he really bought something for himself . I told him to buy more actually . He never buys anything for him .He always says you all be happy and I am happy .I made his favourite Aviyal for lunch box . That's how it went and tata bye bye to Office .
Anyhow like you all I learnt my own lessons during this Covid times and the first thing I learnt is Naveen should be first always and from now on he will be ♡
Hoping for many more years of friendship and then the us .Above all I have always been proud and happy that we never faked a single moment in our life . Whatever maybe our journey is right there on the table like a candle .
Love ♡ Food ♡ Sleep ♡ Peace ♡ Patience ♡
With love ,
Your friend
Monday, November 30, 2020
These days .....
Though I am not that old ...I remember in olden days there was a lot of unity in most of the families .There was this joint families and there was always something special and beautiful in everybody whom I met . Now a days I think it's missing in many families and the likability of people has gone down and people have really changed into something else . I see selfish, egocentric, talkative, influencers ,dominant people more these days .
Many people are getting influenced by social media and bringing up their own rules, their views on lifestyle and relations and priorities . I think that's all fake . Even I look a bit into all the social media platform but never got carried away or I dont seek advice from social media honestly.These days I am seeing many relationships going in wrong directions due to these influencers . But yea it all depends on what you take forward but majority of the people are getting affected .
Because of this the old systems and what the old people told for generations is getting hit and many are not following it . Though I am moderately modern person I strongly believe in the olden days things and follow many of them too . I think modern is not in the outer space and its within .
Also, people are ready to exit or maintain a distance with relationships and it really hurts the other person . Always be careful and remeber what they were for you so far before you insult them .
Especially during this Covid times most of them have become sensitive . Talk carefully .Never hurt someone . Yes read it again ! Never hurt anyone . You never know what they are going through.
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Get up and walk ...
This might seem rude for many but if you look at it in a good way it will be fine .
At many instances when Tungli falls down I have never given too much of attention to her wantedly . I always get too much of comments on this behaviour of mine. People who see her falling tell me why dont you run and pick her up but I dont do it.If I do it I have noticed her crying more and making a scene out of it :)
So why this ?
Firstly when she falls down I know whether it's a serious one or just a normal baby fall .
If it's a serious one I will definitely look into it .
When she falls down I always tell her oh no Tungli slipped and I tell her to get up and walk . At first I have seen her sitting and crying later it's like she falls down ,tells Tungli slipped ,then she says it's funny and walk off .
I think this is the best thing that I have in her .
Why i did this ?
I have seen a lot of downfalls than good things in my life . If at all she falls down i want her to get up again and walk away . Not sit and cry in the same place and make a scene out of everything that's happening in life .
Post in what you think on this.
Unforgettable Words for him
Hi ! Happy new year to all of you . Been a long time . There had been many experiences in life to be noted but this one has to be written he...
Yes this is my favourite quote . I do agree many at times in life we think Why our life alone is like this ? Why we are going thru t...
Some situations in life are like a plain paper You have to add some emotions and thoughts to it Add some neon colours and diamonds on th...
A wise teacher once brought balloons to school, told her pupils to blow them up and write their name on one. After the children tossed thei...